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Fiber Optic Light Sources

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionIllumination PowerInput DiamIris Control#PriceNotes
»mm  in$
111048 American Optical 1177-1 2 195.00
18711 Dolan Jenner 18020150 1 150.00 F*
122729 Dolan Jenner PL-750A- 111200 1 225.00 F*
134624 FIBER OPTIC LIGHT SOURCE211500.620 1 180.00
134541 FIBER OPTIC LIGHT SOURCE211500.620 1 180.00
18713 Fostec 8300 19 175.00 F*
90691 Schott Fostec 20500201500.687 1 150.00
129738 Volpi 6000-1201500.591 1 350.00 F*

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Fiber Optic Light Sources:
American Optical, Dolan Jenner, Fostec, Schott Fostec, Volpi