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Vacuum Pumping Systems

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionPumping SpeedUltimate PressBackng Pmp ModlRoots Pmp ModelDry Pump#PriceNotes
»l/m  CFM»mbar  torr$
856 Alcatel ZT2100AC/RSV600500.0ZT2100ACRSV600 1
231374 Busch BNV 1000 C 0400 BB588.0NC 0400 B LZ1WV 1000 C 0Z1YES 2
89448 Edwards E2M80/EH250161.0E2M80EH250 1
96952 Edwards E2M80/EH500282.1E2M80EH500 1
1047 Edwards E2M80/EH500FF282.9E2M80EH500FF 1 8,900.00
133831 Edwards IQDP40/QMB250171.01.50E-3iQDP40QMB250YES 2
38978 Edwards QDP40-QMB250F 171.01.50E-3QDP40QMB250F 1 9,500.00
57236 Edwards QDP80/QMB500 Control and Enclosure 3
74021 Edwards QDP80/QMB500F with Q-Series Controller271.05.30E-4QDP80QMB500FYES 1
40064 Edwards QMKII--QDP80/QMB500271.05.30E-4QDP80QMB500YES 1
55922 Leybold D40BCS/WSU501122.91.00E-4D40BCSWSU501 1
121999 Leybold WAU500/D65BCS267.01.00E-4D65BCSWAU500 1
121992 Leybold WAU501/D65BCS267.01.00E-4D65BCSWAU501 2
1049 Leybold WAU501USS250C357.04.00E-3S250CWAU501US 1 9,500.00
3258 Leybold WSU151/D40BCS90.91.00E-4TRIVAC D40BCSRUVAC WSU 151 1
137396 Leybold WSU20011,236.0WSU-2001 2
2649 Leybold WSU2001/SV5851,122.96.00E-3SV585WSU2001 1
68674 Leybold WSU251/D40BCS140.01.00E-4D40BCSWSU251 1 8,500.00
121997 Leybold WSU501/D65BCS267.01.00E-4D65BCSWSU501 3
186171 Oerlikon Leybold D40B/WSU251118.02.00E-5TRIVAC D40BRUVAC WSU 251 6
186360 Oerlikon Leybold WAU251/D40B140.01.00E-4D40BWAU251 1
186357 Oerlikon Leybold WSU251/D40B140.01.00E-4D40BWSU251 1
50913 Pfeiffer Vacuum WOT 400-D4347.32.25E-3DBP 050-4WKP 500AYES 1
149586 Stokes Vacuum 622/212 1
43843 Varian Sorbtion Pump 2 760.00
202561 Varian TPS Mobile 96984321,167.87.50E-10Varian PTS03001UNIVYES 1
206691 Varian Turbo-V 250 MacroTorr/SD91530.01.50E-10SD91Turbo-V 250 MacroTorr 1

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Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Vacuum Pumping Systems:
Alcatel, Busch, Edwards, Leybold, Oerlikon Leybold, Pfeiffer Vacuum, Stokes Vacuum, Varian