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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionDescriptionCondition#PriceNotes
107859 Aerotech MP100Mounting Plate 1 42.00
4625 FAULHABER MOTORIZED LINEAR ACTUATORMotorized Linear Actuator w/Encoder 63 100.00
87141 Melles Griot NanomoverTwo Actuators w/Controller 1 3,800.00
172675 New Focus 8330Picomotor Actuator Ultra 6 1,425.00 F*
98147 Newport 850-1Motorized Linear Actuator Very Good 1 100.00
4539 Newport CMA25CCDC Servo ActuatorVery Good 64 250.00 F*

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Positioning Equipment:
Aerotech, Melles Griot, New Focus, Newport