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Baths and Chillers

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We have a large selection of used baths and chillers. Some manufacturers include Affinity/Lydall, Fisher Scientific, Haake, Lauda-Brinkmann, M&W Systems, Neslab, and PolyScience. Every bath and circulator is tested and repaired to meet the manufacturers' specifications. Please see our Chiller Refurbishment and Functional Testing Procedures for more information. Do you need help choosing a used chiller? Click here for more information. Helpful hints for selecting a used chiller.

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Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Baths and Chillers:
Affinity, Bay Voltex, Delta T Systems, Fisher Scientific, Haake, Hart Scientific, Haskris, Lab-Line, LAUDA-Brinkmann, Lytron, M&W Systems, M.T.A. S.p.A., Modutek, Neslab, Opti Temp Inc., PolyScience, VWR Scientific Products