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Optical Inspection Equipment

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Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Optical Inspection Equipment:
American Optical, Anatech Ltd, ATM GmbH, Bausch & Lomb, Inc, Bausch and Lomb, Brunson Instrument, Buehler, Carl Zeiss, CPS, Dage-MTI, Davidson Optronics, Denton, Diagnostic Instruments, Dolan Jenner, Fostec, GTI Graphic Techology, Inc., Hewlett Packard, Karl Storz, Leco, Leica, Leica, Leitz, Melles Griot, Microspec, Mitutoyo, MoistTech Corp, Nikon, Nissei Electric Co. , Olympus, Reichert Inc, Reichert-Jung, Semprex, Vision Engineering, Volpi, Well, Wild, X-Rite, Zeiss