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Temperature Chambers

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We have a large selection of temperature chambers. Some manufacturers include Blue M, Cincinnati Sub-Zero, Delta Design, Despatch, Espec, Sun Electronics, Tenney, and Thermotron. Once sold, every chamber is tested and repaired to meet the manufacturer’s specifications.

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionMin TempMax TempCapacty/Vol Box#PriceNotes
»ºF  »ºK  ºC»ºF  »ºK  ºC»cu m  cu ft$
189126 Blue M LN-270C-1-1002005.80 1 F*
222878 Cinci Sub-Z CT-64-3-H/AC-3419064.00 1
158809 Delta Des 2850CL-733150.45 1 F*
798 Delta Des 7650C-733152.90 1 2,550.00
212155 Delta Design 9039-1843150.92 1 3,250.00 F*
153509 Russells Tech. Prod RB-8-co2-1002008.00 2 F*
195478 Sun Elect. Sys EC16-733156.16 1 6,900.00 F*
139520 Tenney T-STRAT-JR01001.10 1
106972 Tenney T20S-4020019.00 1
179207 Tenney T30C-7320030.00 1
4501 Tenney T5S5-401005.00 1 F*
4503 Tenney T5S5-401005.00 1
241695 Tenney TUJR-752001.20 1
163057 Thermotron S-1.2C-731801.20 1
153601 Thermotron SE-300-2-2-7018010.20 1

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Temperature Chambers:
Blue M, Cincinnati Sub-Zero, Delta Design, Russells Technical Products, Sun Electronic Systems, Tenney, Thermotron