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Burn-In Ovens

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Capovani Brothers Inc. stocks a variety of used and refurbished burn-in ovens with a wide range of maximum temperatures and box capacities to choose from. Typical manufacturers include Blue M, Despatch, Grieve Corp., Tenney, Thermal Product Solutions, and Thermotron. Visit our Used Laboratory Ovens and Industrial Ovens Refurbishment and Functional Testing Procedures page for more information about our refurbishment and testing process of used burn-in ovens.

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionMax TempCapacty/Vol BoxChamber CharacterPower Req#PriceNotes
MakeModelChamber CnstrcnViewing WindowVoltage
»ºF  »ºK  ºC»cu m  cu ft(V)$
122724 Blue M BI-32E30032.00Stainless Steel208 2 F*
181395 Blue M BI-32G30032.00Stainless steel480 1 F*
46264 Despatch LND1-423164.05208/240 1
46265 Tenney TBO-53004.90Stainless steel240 1
54440 Tenney TBO-53004.90Stainless steel 1
40706 Thermotron S-1.2-H-PTS-TX1771.20Stainless steel115 2 F*

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Burn-In Ovens:
Blue M, Despatch, Tenney, Thermotron